Effortlessly Manage CRM Data
with AI-Automation

Save time and improve accuracy by automating your CRM data entry. Let Modjo handle the details so your team can focus on selling.

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I save 30 minutes per call, which adds up to 5 hours every week. This incredible time-saving enables me to maximize productivity and dedicate more time to prospect engagement

Profile picture of Eimear Stakelum

Eimear Stakelum

Account Executive @Spendesk


Saved per rep per week in CRM tasks


Of client information logged in the CRM

+30 min

Saved after each call in completing CRM tasks

ai crm filling

Automate CRM Data Entry Effortlessly

Modjo automatically captures and integrates client interaction data —calls, emails, meetings— directly into your CRM, saving you time and ensuring accuracy.

Mockup of Modjo's dashboard
ai crm filling

Ensure Accurate CRM Data

Reduce human mistakes and keep your CRM data always up-to-date with Modjo’s precise, AI-driven data entry automation. You can chose semi-automation or total automation.

Mockup of Modjo's dashboard
ai crm filling

Increase your business knowledge

Data extraction automation enables you to extract numerous other informations like competitive or product intelligence without adding a tedious task to your sales representatives.

Mockup of Modjo's dashboard
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Successful with Modjo

Eimear Stakelum

Account Executive


I save 30 minutes after each client meeting thanks to Modjo's AI, which summarizes my meetings and automatically fills in my CRM fields.


Minutes saved

Fabien Nahum

Director of Performance and Operations.


Thanks to Modjo, the time spent evaluating a conversation has been cut in half, from 15 to 7 minutes.


Time spent evaluating a conversation

Simon Bibas

Head of Inside Sales


“The solution allows me to align everyone's performance with that of the best salespeople on the team. Whether it's during onboarding or ongoing training, Modjo has become essential for Planity's sales teams.”


Onboarding time in 6 months

Yann Goujon



“The first benefit we noticed since implementing Modjo is the improvement in the performance of our customer-facing teams, with conversion rates that have doubled.”


On conversion rate

Victor Boisnard

Head of Sales


“Modjo has completely changed the way we coach our teams! We now have a factual analysis of what our best salespeople do and a way to easily replicate it across the rest of the team.”


On our conversion rate in 4 months

Fanny Lemaistre

AM Team Lead


“Each member of my team saves 4 hours per week. Modjo helps them focus on their main task, which is selling.”


Saved per week


Which CRM fields can I automate via modjo?

All your custom or standard fields linked to Leads, Contacts, Deals, or Accounts.

Does my sales need to validate the content?

You can choose for each field if you’d like a manual review before pushing or just automate the whole process!

Try our IA Platform to transform
your team productivity now !

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